Association — Capitalize only in reference to ICF as in “The Association has more than 25,000 members.”
Assessor —Capitalize only after ICF, as in “ICF Assessor.”
Bridge line — Two words. Preface with “telephone” if needed.
Board — Capitalize Board when it refers to the ICF Global Board of Directors. Do not use the abbreviation BOD. Only use in conjunction with the ICF Global Board or appropriate Chapter.
EXAMPLE: The ICF Global Board met last month in Chicago. The Board votes to table the matter. / The ICF New England Board will meet next month.
Chapter — Capitalize Chapter when it refers to an ICF Chapter or is used in a proper name.
EXAMPLE: The ICF New York City Chapter is holding a meeting this week. / All ICF Chapters are invited to attend the Chapter Leader Presentations help monthly. / All ICF Chapters were represented at the ICF Global Leaders Forum.
Coaching — Capitalize coaching when it appears with a specialty.
EXAMPLE: Executive Coaching; Life Coaching; Career Coaching, etc.
Coaching World — Always capitalize and italicize. — Capitalize and do not include www. before it.
Code of Ethics — Capitalize after ICF or when referring to the ICF Code of Ethics. Capitalize the word Code when it stands alone, but refers to the ICF Code.
EXAMPLE: To be Credentialed, you must follow the ICF Code of Ethics. / It is stated in the Code.
Committees — Capitalize the word Committee when it refers to a specific ICF Committee or is used in a proper name.
EXAMPLE: The ICF Education Committee is working on a new project. The Committee will finalize the project next month. There were 10 ICF Committees set up for the year. There were 10 committees set up last year.
Communities of Practice (CPs) — Spell out on first reference followed by its acronym in parentheses. Use acronym on second and following references.
EXAMPLE: See the list of ICF Communities of Practice (CPs) online. The Coaching Science CP meets on the second Tuesday of each month.
Core Competencies — Capitalize following ICF. Lowercase in general use.
EXAMPLE: The ICF Core Competencies are taught in accredited coach-training programs. / She told him about the core competencies of coaching.
Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units — Spell out of first reference followed by its acronym in parenthesis. Do not capitalize units.
EXAMPLE: Earn 3 Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units at our upcoming event. 1 CCE unit will be Resource Development.
Credential — Capitalize Credential when it refers to the ICF Credential (ACC, PCC, MCC) or ICF Credentialing Program. Lowercase in general use.
EXAMPLE: She earned an ICF Credential in 2010. / He passed his ACC Credential exam. / Clients agree that credentials are important.
Credentialed Coach Finder (CCF) — In general, spell out on the first reference with CCF in parentheses. Second references may be referred to as CCF. When using acronym, CCF, do not use "the" before it.
EXAMPLE: You can search for ICF-credentialed Members on the Credentialed Coach Finder. / Please be sure to update your CCF profile.
ICF Credential-holder — Use when referring to individuals that hold a credential.
ICF-credentialed coach member — Use when referring to individuals that hold a credential and are ICF Members.
ICF Global — Use when it is necessary to distinguish the international organization from ICF Chapters. Do not use “Global ICF.”
EXAMPLE: ICF Global staff met with ICF Australasia leaders during the conference.
ICF Headquarters — Use when referring to the physical office/address of the ICF based in Lexington, Ky. Use ICF Global to distinguish the international organization from ICF Chapters.
EXAMPLE: Send your renewal applications to ICF Headquarters.
ICF Member — Always capitalize ‘member’ when it follows ICF.
EXAMPLE: ICF Members are entitled to many benefits. Each member receives many benefits.
International Coach Federation (ICF) — In general, spell out on the first reference with ICF in parentheses. When using acronym, ICF, do not use "the" before it.
EXAMPLE: The International Coach Federation (ICF) has more than 25,000 members. ICF is the largest global coaching organization.
Internet — Always capitalize Internet.
Online — One word, not capitalized unless at the beginning of a sentence or used as part of a proper noun.
Nonprofit — One word without a hyphen.
Taskforce(s) — One word.
Strategic Plan — Capitalize when referring to the ICF Strategic Plan.
EXAMPLE: The Board approved the ICF Strategic Plan. / The priorities set forth in the Strategic Plan have been communicated to all staff. / They met for a strategic planning session.
Sub-committee — Always use a hypen.
website — Do not capitalize or separate into two words. Also, webcam, webcast and webmaster. But as a short form and in terms with separate words, the web, web page and web feed.